Asbestos Sealant & Application
Sealing asbestos is so important to protect your staff and your customers, we offer a unique asbestos encapsulate that is fully tested and certified to zero release of asbestos fibres. If you require training in how to apply RZ-Ecoseal then we can show you on site. It is important to seal asbestos as quickly as possible to make sure everyone is safe and long term health problems are avoided.
We supply RZ-Ecoseal individually or in pallets for larger jobs, we can work out exactly how much you will need to successfully encapsulate walls, pipes and other areas against asbestos leakage into the air.
If you have any queries you can email or call us - just click "Contact Us" at the top of the page.
We supply RZ-Ecoseal individually or in pallets for larger jobs, we can work out exactly how much you will need to successfully encapsulate walls, pipes and other areas against asbestos leakage into the air.
If you have any queries you can email or call us - just click "Contact Us" at the top of the page.
Encapsulation Solutions provide a unique solution for Encapsulating Asbestos fibres that actually works.
We also have comprehensive test results and technical support that proves just how good our quality Asbestos Encapsulation solution is. Most products claiming to be asbestos encapsulants are actually no more than a basic paint available from any DIY store. Encapsulation Solutions is the real deal. |
Our team is fully committed to improving people’s safety and helping them breath cleaner air and by using our product RZ-Ecoseal, we can achieve this.
Read more about the countless benefits of Encapsulating Asbestos with Encapsulation Solutions below. You can also view our comprehensive test results that demonstrate just how good the Encapsulation Solution is. |
The Benefits of Encapsulating Asbestos with RZ Ecoseal E ...
Click on any of the many benefits of RZ-Ecoseal E below to learn more.
rz-ecoseal is Waterproof
When RZ-Ecoseal E is dry it is completely waterproof not allowing water to penetrate the surface or affect the seal. The tests completed by Sheffield University followed a methodology based on BS EN 12086:2013
it is non-flammable
RZ-Ecoseal E is a white, elastic mastic which transforms into a hard crust, like ceramic. This process happens when exposed to high temperatures derived from flames or intensive heat radiation from fire. The insulating capacity of the crust effectively extinguishes the flow of heat to treated surface.
RZ-Ecoseal E combined with other parts of a penetration seal is tested according to EN13166 -3:2009 and classified, EI60-EI120 depending on penetrating service, in accordance to EC13501-2:2016.
RZ-Ecoseal E creates a barrier/ full seal over the area it is protecting. This prevents the oxygen from affecting the area it is protecting preventing oxidisation.
Due to RZ-Ecoseal E's properties of being a sealant and not being affected by other weather conditions its long life protects the area for longer period compared to other alternatives.
RZ-Ecoseal E combined with other parts of a penetration seal is tested according to EN13166 -3:2009 and classified, EI60-EI120 depending on penetrating service, in accordance to EC13501-2:2016.
RZ-Ecoseal E creates a barrier/ full seal over the area it is protecting. This prevents the oxygen from affecting the area it is protecting preventing oxidisation.
Due to RZ-Ecoseal E's properties of being a sealant and not being affected by other weather conditions its long life protects the area for longer period compared to other alternatives.
Elastic and oil resistant
Due to RZ-Ecoseal E being a sealant the product is flexible and moves with any changes in temperature whilst doing this it does not loose its integrity.
unaffected by changing weather
When dry its elastic properties does not affect the RZ-Ecoseal E because RZ- Ecoseal E binds to the surface not allowing any air or weather to get underneath the seal.
prevents condensation
RZ-Ecoseal E equalises the surface temperature not allowing for any changes in surface temperature.
Condensation test completed by Sheffield University 13th May 2019 comparing RZ-Ecoseal E to rockwool and K-flex installation recognised below as system 1 and 2.
- Condensation occurs on the surface of the pipe sealed with RZ-Ecoseal E between 5 and 17 min from the start of the test and disappears at around 20 min.
- Condensation occurs on the surface of the pipes covered with Systems 1 and 2 from the beginning of the exposure until the temperature of the pipe surfaces reaches the dew point at 106 min and is still present at 120 min.
Condensation test completed by Sheffield University 13th May 2019 comparing RZ-Ecoseal E to rockwool and K-flex installation recognised below as system 1 and 2.
- Condensation occurs on the surface of the pipe sealed with RZ-Ecoseal E between 5 and 17 min from the start of the test and disappears at around 20 min.
- Condensation occurs on the surface of the pipes covered with Systems 1 and 2 from the beginning of the exposure until the temperature of the pipe surfaces reaches the dew point at 106 min and is still present at 120 min.
high PERMEABILITY rating
RZ-Ecoseal E does not allow water vapour to come through completes a full seal across the surface.
The tests completed by Sheffield University followed a methodology based on BS EN 12086:2013.
The test show that in comparison to K-Flex and Rockwool, RZ-Ecoseal E lets 7 times less water vapour through.
The tests completed by Sheffield University followed a methodology based on BS EN 12086:2013.
The test show that in comparison to K-Flex and Rockwool, RZ-Ecoseal E lets 7 times less water vapour through.
RZ-Ecoseal E is completely safe to apply and safe when on a system. (SDS Attached)
No Fumes or Odour Release
RZ-Ecoseal E is completely safe and does not have any harmful ingredients in the product and the product does not release any gases or is harmful to user or environment.
Thermal Conductivity
RZ-Ecoseal E has good insulative properties for a 1.5mm coating.
Test Completed 1st May 2019 at Sheffield University
Results: 0.15207
Test Completed 1st May 2019 at Sheffield University
Results: 0.15207
REquires no mixing
RZ-Ecoseal E comes ready to use and does not require any additives only need to mix the buckets to release the fibres inside of the product.
10 Year life span
Currently RZ-Ecoseal E has been installed for 10 years in kitchen Extract duct and RZ- Ecoseal have completed a forced test inside a central flue with high corrosive acid for total of 8 years.
Acid, Alkaline, and corrosion resistant
Acid and Alkaline Resistant
RZ-Ecoseal E was tested by Intergas Holland due to them needing to find a solution for the new commercial high efficiency boilers. The new high efficiency boiler creates an acid which corrodes ductwork and pipework from day one.
Intergas completed a forced test started in 2018 and finished in 2019 the test covered 6.61 years, after this period the conclusion of the test was that the RZ-Ecoseal E was not affected by the acid created from the high efficiency boiler.
Test data available.
Corrosion Resistant
RZ-Ecoseal E creates a barrier/ full seal over the area it is protecting. This prevents the oxygen from affecting the area it is protecting preventing oxidisation.
Due to RZ-Ecoseal E's properties of being a sealant and not being affected by other weather conditions its long life protects the area for longer period compared to other alternatives.
A Cruise Liner out of Rotterdam was sealed in 2016 due to corrosion of the ductwork, this area could not be removed because it was impossible to remove. In 2019 the area was reviewed, and no further corrosion has taken place.
RZ-Ecoseal E was tested by Intergas Holland due to them needing to find a solution for the new commercial high efficiency boilers. The new high efficiency boiler creates an acid which corrodes ductwork and pipework from day one.
Intergas completed a forced test started in 2018 and finished in 2019 the test covered 6.61 years, after this period the conclusion of the test was that the RZ-Ecoseal E was not affected by the acid created from the high efficiency boiler.
Test data available.
Corrosion Resistant
RZ-Ecoseal E creates a barrier/ full seal over the area it is protecting. This prevents the oxygen from affecting the area it is protecting preventing oxidisation.
Due to RZ-Ecoseal E's properties of being a sealant and not being affected by other weather conditions its long life protects the area for longer period compared to other alternatives.
A Cruise Liner out of Rotterdam was sealed in 2016 due to corrosion of the ductwork, this area could not be removed because it was impossible to remove. In 2019 the area was reviewed, and no further corrosion has taken place.
prevents microbial growth
Statement from Dr Neil Verner Ph.D. After the completion of his tests on RZ-Ecoseal E within HVAC.
A characteristic of microorganisms is their ability to grow and form a population that can rapidly spread and cause disease and discomfort to human beings.
There are a few requirements for successful microbial growth. We will look at them individually and explain how
RZ-Ecoseal E helps control the microbial growth.
To grow successfully microorganisms must have a supply of water. By sealing the duct internally and completely the sealed joints prevent the ingress of hot and humid air that can condense on the inside of traditional metal ductwork.
Due to the high insulative properties of RZ-Ecoseal E on the internal application of the duct will remain almost completely dry preventing the life-giving water to microorganisms.
RZ-Ecoseal E provides an anti-microbial surface. It contains polymers that create an environment which is difficult to be inhabited by microorganisms.
Oxygen is used by aerobic bacteria during the process of cellular respiration as a final preparation for incubation and growth. RZ-Ecoseal E cannot eliminate the oxygen or seek any oxidative reaction, but by eliminating the moisture and the incubation surface the oxygen concentration will not matter. Temperature also is an issue, but again the preventative issues of water and anti-microbial properties mitigate the risk of temperature.
A characteristic of microorganisms is their ability to grow and form a population that can rapidly spread and cause disease and discomfort to human beings.
There are a few requirements for successful microbial growth. We will look at them individually and explain how
RZ-Ecoseal E helps control the microbial growth.
To grow successfully microorganisms must have a supply of water. By sealing the duct internally and completely the sealed joints prevent the ingress of hot and humid air that can condense on the inside of traditional metal ductwork.
Due to the high insulative properties of RZ-Ecoseal E on the internal application of the duct will remain almost completely dry preventing the life-giving water to microorganisms.
RZ-Ecoseal E provides an anti-microbial surface. It contains polymers that create an environment which is difficult to be inhabited by microorganisms.
Oxygen is used by aerobic bacteria during the process of cellular respiration as a final preparation for incubation and growth. RZ-Ecoseal E cannot eliminate the oxygen or seek any oxidative reaction, but by eliminating the moisture and the incubation surface the oxygen concentration will not matter. Temperature also is an issue, but again the preventative issues of water and anti-microbial properties mitigate the risk of temperature.
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Call us on +44 (0)1924 792081.
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